I like creating notes on content that I learn about (from my classes or otherwise) and that I’d like to understand better. This section includes a few of these.
- Exploring the need for image restoration in optics
- My demonstration of LQG control on a toy problem
- My slide deck introducing Julia for research programming
- A one-page introduction to Gaussian Processes, made in preparation for the online.tess.science virtual meeting
- My super-compact cheat sheet for CS 189, Introduction to Machine Learning
- An informally-written introduction to Jordan canonical form, introduced in Math 110
- An introduction to adjoints and inner product spaces, also for Math 110
- My proof of the Central Limit Theorem, from when I was taking EECS 126
- A (hopefully intuitive) partial guide to introductory analysis, written while auditing Math 202A
- A near-direct transcription of two Physics 5A lectures, introducing special relativity
Here are my course notes from many of the classes I’ve taken!
UC Berkeley
- Math: Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Introduction to Analysis, Linear Algebra II, Complex Analysis
- Physics: Introductory Thermo/Quantum, Analytic Mechanics, Electromagnetism and Optics (partial), Quantum Mechanics I
- EECS: Signals and Systems, Feedback Control Systems, Optical Engineering, Probability and Random Processes, Information Theory and Coding
- Other: Properties of Materials
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Inverse Problems, Extrasolar Planets
UC Santa Cruz
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Stellar Structure and Evolution, Instrumentation in Astronomy, Radiative Processes, Diffuse Matter in Space